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Monday, December 26, 2011
Authors@Google: Ann Cooper
Sunday, December 18, 2011
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Monday, December 12, 2011
Is it Safe to Drink Milk Everyday
On the first day that moms walked the earth, the first thing out of their mouths probably was: "Finish your milk". That's because since the dawn of Mom, there has always been an expert that will vouch for the nutritional superiority of milk, what with its high levels of protein, vitamin D, and, most important, calcium. And who can fault moms for listening to scientists, especially when for once they seemed to universally agree on something? But they don't agree any longer. A group of dissenters is getting bigger and bigger as some new studies are being done on the old creamy wonder milk.
Milk first came under fire during the 1980s as scientific studies were conducted that found traces of the antibiotic drugs given to dairy cows to keep them healthy and productive. Though the residues were fairly minimal, some experts cautioned that traces of antibiotics such as penicillin could cause reactions in those allergic to the drug. This left many wonderings if we had any way to know just what we are ingesting when we drink a glass of milk.
The milk debate was stoked again in late 1994 as the FDA approved for use in dairy cows a new synthetic growth hormone known as bovine somatotropin, more familiar to many of us as bovine growth hormone, or BGH. Approval of the man-made BGH had been delayed because of evidence that the hormone increased the occurrence of mastitis, an udder infection that is treated with even more antibiotics. There is some evidence that drinking milk that contains low levels of antibiotics may cause the body to develop a resistance to them, diminishing the effectiveness of prescription antibiotics on disease. Many researchers say reduced effectiveness of antibiotics in recent years, partially caused by the public's consistent ingestion of low levels of the drugs, is causing a rebirth of diseases such as tuberculosis, previously thought to be eradicated with the dawn of modern vaccinations.
What does this mean to us, you ask? Maybe nothing, or maybe something, depending on how much these studies scare you, and whether you want to keep dairy products as a part of your diet plan. We certainly don't need the saturated fat and cholesterol that most milk contains. A 1-cup serving of 1% milk has 100 calories, 10 grams of cholesterol, and 10% of your recommended daily saturated fat intake. And how there are even more studies that question whether the vitamins and minerals we have been assured milk contains are actually present at the right levels. Take vitamin D for instance: Recent samples from different milks show that its level can vary dramatically from glass to glass.
The biggest selling point for milk has always been its calcium, used by children in their bone development, and by adults to prevent bone deterioration, or osteoporosis. Here is where the area regarding milk becomes particularly gray. Some researchers have conducted studies indicating that the body absorbs calcium better from other sources, including broccoli, kale, and bok choy, but others have disagreed, saying that to get the same amount of calcium that you would in a glass of milk, you would have to eat quite a bit of broccoli. Nothing truly conclusive has been gained from any of these studies. Maybe in the coming years that will change. Until that happens, drinking milk remains a careful weighing of the potential pros and cons for both yourself and your family.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Knox Original Gelatin (4-Count Envelopes), Unflavored, 1-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 48)
!±8± Knox Original Gelatin (4-Count Envelopes), Unflavored, 1-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 48)
Original. Still only 5 calories and 0 grams per serving.
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Saturday, December 3, 2011
Milk In Your Diet
What Milk Should You Consume? : This article is about what kind of milk you should include in your diet to stay young and healthy for a long time.
MILK, man's first and oldest beverage, has taken on a new form that puts it in the front ranks of concentrated protective foods. I refer to dry skim milk-the new process powdered milk-an inexpensive, readily digested, high-protein food that is handy to use and short on calories.
Unfortunately, the old roller processed milk, dried and ground between hot rollers, had a slightly brown cast and settled out when made into beverages. It was unsatisfactory except for baking. Its taste-its smell, too-was somewhat remote from that of fresh milk. As a result, the term 'powdered milk' may cause some persons to turn up their noses and protest, 'That's not for me!'
But the new spray-processed skim milk is an entirely different and wholly satisfactory product. Liquid milk is dried by being sprayed into compressed air; and the milk solids come out with the fine, smooth texture of face powder. The color is beautifully white with a faint greenish cast caused by the high-concentration of riboflavin. The flavor of the new dry skim milk is mild and delicate, and its faint smell resembles that of sweet dried coconut.
I must confess to taking a few liberties with history when I say that dried milk is 'new.' Actually, long before the birth of Christ the ancient Egyptians prepared a concentrated milk by drying it in the sun. And the sturdy Mongol horsemen who made up the invading armies of the conqueror Genghis Khan were supplied with sun-dried milk as a concentrated marching ration that would assure them the full nourishment necessary for their strenuous campaigns. So we're a few centuries late in learning that dried milk is a wonderfully concentrated food. If everyone in this country were to use this economical food in their daily diet, it could overcome the widespread deficiencies of protein, calcium and riboflavin which afflict thousands upon thousands of persons, causing them to fall ready victims to aging diseases.
Did you know that the addition of even so little as a table-spoonful of powdered skim milk to your daily servings of food would be a worthwhile contribution to your Eat-and-Grow-Younger program?
Did you know that less than one-half cup of powdered skim milk contains all the nutrients found in a quart of fresh skim milk?
Did you know that powdered skim milk contributes far more to your health than either whole fresh milk or cream because it is so highly concentrated?
Did you know that powdered skim milk is tolerated by persons who find whole fresh milk hard to digest?
Did you know that the highly concentrated amounts of protein, calcium and riboflavin in dry skim milk can help prolong your 'prime of life,' and aid you in retaining a sexual youthfulness?
Did you know that there are no nutritional values in yogurt over ordinary buttermilk or sour milk? If you like yogurt for its distinctive taste, then by all means use it, for it's a good milk product. But if you find its price a little above your pocketbook, then ordinary buttermilk or soured fresh milk will give you the same nutritional benefits, particularly lactic acid, as the more expensive yogurt. Also, dry skim milk made into a liquid, with lemon juice added to sour it, makes a sour milk that is good to drink and excellent for cooking.
These milk facts should be known to everybody, since milk is one food about which much myth and misconception has been built up throughout years of propagandizing by the dairy industry.
Milk, we have been told repeatedly for decades, is a 'perfect food,' and a 'complete food.' Like much other propagandizing, these statements are but half-truths. Sweet milk is not a 'perfect food' for anyone who cannot digest it properly. Nor is sweet milk a perfect food when taken at mealtime by persons whose digestive juices are not acid enough to properly digest the protein foods eaten. Because sweet milk has an alkaline reaction in the stomach, when taken by the glassful at mealtime it tends to counteract the natural acidity of the hydrochloric acid in our digestive juices. Many persons who had thought they suffered from 'chronic dyspepsia' have discovered that their symptoms vanished completely after they ceased drinking sweet milk with their meals. If you like the flavor of fresh sweet milkand it does not lie in your stomach like a handful of puttythen by all means enjoy it, but between meals, and never at mealtime, especially if you have long since celebrated your thirtieth birthday.
Buttermilk as a mealtime beverage is quite a different matter, because its high lactic acid content actually promotes the digestion of proteins and iron-containing foods.
If you'll only stop to think for a minute, you'll realize that nature provided sweet milk for the suckling young animal, unable as yet to masticate solid foods. Nowhere in nature do you find any animal, except man, mixing fresh sweet milk with solid protein foods.
Another mistaken belief popularly held about fresh milk is that the 'richer the milk, the better.' Nothing could be farther from the truth. The protein, minerals and vitamin B-complex (riboflavin and thiamin mainly) are all contained in the skim milk, not in the cream.
Many mothers, for instance, make the mistake of purchasing the richest milk they can find for their children. Yet, instead of gaining in weight and health, their children actually lose weight and have little appetite. The reason for this is that the cream in the rich milk satisfies their appetites too quickly, taking away the desire for larger quantities of other foods containing richer sources of protein, minerals and vitamins. However, i£ the children were given a less rich milk, not only would they drink more of it, but they would eat more heartily of the protective foods. The same holds true for any age.
In many persons the undigested £at in too rich milk combines with calcium, thereby preventing this vital mineral from reaching the bloodstream. When this happens, a serious calcium deficiency, with all its aging discomforts and ailments, is likely to result-despite the most earnest of efforts to 'drink plenty of milk for calcium.'
And, to make matters worse, the combination of fat-and-calcium forms a sort of hard soap in the intestines, causing a hard-to-overcome type of constipation. Perhaps you are one of the many persons who find rich whole milk 'binding.' I£ so, that is the explanation.
Regardless of whether or not your weight is normal, dry skim milk is the best sweet milk for you.
If you want to gain weight, dry skim milk, used liberally, will provide extra amounts of the protein, minerals and vitamins, lack of which probably caused you to be underweight in the first place.
If, on the other hand, overweight is your problem, and yours should be a reducing diet, then dry skim milk is equally good. Liberal amounts of this powered skim milk can be used without making your calorie count jump up like the thermometer on a hot day. This milk can be incorporated into your reducing menu in a number of flavorful and appetite-satisfying ways. Moreover, the highly concentrated protein in this type of milk
is a valuable aid to a high-protein reducing diet, since the more protein you eat (without adding calories) the more quickly your sluggish thyroid gland can be prodded into taking over and bringing your body weight back to normal.
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011
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Saturday, November 26, 2011
Frontier Bulk Cheese, White Cheddar Cheese Powder, CERTIFIED ORGANIC, 25 lb. box
!±8±Frontier Bulk Cheese, White Cheddar Cheese Powder, CERTIFIED ORGANIC, 25 lb. box
Brand : Frontier Natural BrandsRate :
Price : $494.11
Post Date : Nov 26, 2011 19:14:25
Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Organic cheddar cheese (cultured organic milk, salt, microbial enzymes), organic nonfat milk, organic whey, salt, disodium phosphate.Origin: United StatesOrganic: QAI Certified OrganicNutrition FactsServing Size 1/2 cup (28g)Amount Per Serving Calories 130 Calories from Fat 70% Daily Value*Total Fat 8g12% Saturated Fat 5g25% Trans Fat 0gCholesterol 25mg8%Sodium 1250mg52%Total Carbohydrate 7g2% Dietary Fiber 0g0% Sugars 0gProtein 8gVitamin A 4% . Vitamin C 0%Calcium 25% . Iron 2%* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.Common Name: Cheese PowderBar Code: 0-89836-82850-7
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Ghirardelli Chocolate Frappe Classico, Classic White, 10-Pound Box
!±8±Ghirardelli Chocolate Frappe Classico, Classic White, 10-Pound Box
Brand : GhirardelliRate :
Price : $54.73
Post Date : Nov 23, 2011 09:22:30
Usually ships in 24 hours
The Ghirardelli Chocolate Company is a manufacturer and marketer of premium chocolate products. Incorporated in 1852 and in continuous operation since, Ghirardelli has the richest heritage of any American chocolate company. Ghirardelli is one of the few companies in America that controls the entire chocolate manufacturing process, from cocoa bean to finished product. This control over the manufacturing process, combined with Ghirardelli’s proprietary bean blend and unique methods of roasting and processing, ensures that you are rewarded with the highest quality and richest products. Ghirardelli’s product line includes its signature chocolate squares, chocolate bars, chocolate confections, baking chocolate and chocolate beverages.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Enfagrow Next Step Lipil Milk-Based Infant Formula for Infants & Toddlers, Iron Fortified (Case Pack, Six-24 Ounce Cans)
!±8±Enfagrow Next Step Lipil Milk-Based Infant Formula for Infants & Toddlers, Iron Fortified (Case Pack, Six-24 Ounce Cans)
Brand : EnfagrowRate :
Price : $153.24
Post Date : Nov 20, 2011 01:12:29
Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Enfagrow PREMIUM Next Step 24 oz Powder / 6 cans per case. Enfagrow PREMIUM Next Step is a formula for toddlers ages 10-36 month. A strong foundation for toddler health and development.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Enfamil Lipil Milk-Based Formula with Iron, Powder, 25.7-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)
!±8±Enfamil Lipil Milk-Based Formula with Iron, Powder, 25.7-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)
Brand : EnfamilRate :
Price : $149.20
Post Date : Oct 29, 2011 11:36:22
Usually ships in 1-2 business days
For Baby's First 12 Months. Makes 188 fl oz. A blend of the nutrients DHA and ARA - Nutrients found in breast milk. Lipil is a blend of the nutrients DHA (17 mg/100 Calories) and ARA (34 mg/100 Calories). DHA and ARA are also naturally found in breast milk and are important building blocks for a baby's brain and eyes. Experts agree on the many benefits of breast milk. If you choose to use infant formula, ask your doctor which Enfamil formula is best for your baby. Enfamil Lipil with Iron is our closest formula to breast milk ever. It's easy-to-digest, complete and balanced nutrition.
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